Friday, June 25, 2021

item of the day

Today is National Leon Day, which surprisingly is not in honor of the lovable hit man from The Professional played by Jean Reno, but is instead the halfway mark between last Christmas and this year's December holiday.  Leon is Noel spelled backwards, and National Leon Day gives you the chance to rekindle the Christmas spirit, to finally wrap those late gifts that you owe people from last Christmas, or to start getting ready for the upcoming holidays in six months.  Roast chestnuts on the barbecue or drink eggnog on ice, whatever makes you happy and merry.  And don't forget Christmas in July, but that's next month when it'll be even hotter outside.  

This Cup of Cheer mug is bright and red and makes every day feel like Christmas or the holiday season, because we always need more cheer, more joy, and generally more coffee.

Monday, June 7, 2021

father's day is almost here

Are you ready for Father's Day?  Is your dad a tea-drinking Ben Franklin fan, a retro TV watcher, or a devotee of the Beat Generation?  If so, here are three gifts to consider...first, to celebrate Mr. Franklin's experiments with kites and lightning, an Electrici-Tea Mug; second, the complete Season 3 DVD set of Highway Patrol, a 1950s classic all about law, order, California, and big shiny cars; and third, Call Me Burroughs, an extensive biography of William Burroughs, one of the Beat Generation's founding members and author of Naked Lunch.  And just a cheerful reminder that June 20th is less than two weeks away!


Thursday, June 3, 2021

curtis curtis

Today was the birthday of actor Tony Curtis (b. 1925) and musician Curtis Mayfield (b. 1942).   Tony C. of course starred in classics like Spartacus, Some Like It Hot, Sweet Smell of Success, and The Defiant Ones -- while Curtis M. composed and/or sang the film soundtracks from Super Fly and Claudine, along with creating a wide range of other musical works.